
Elephant Problem: An elephant carries bananas from city A to city B. The distance between these cities is 1000KM. Elephant eats 1 banana per kilometer. If there are 2000 bananas at City A, how many maximum bananas , elephant can carry to city B. Assume Elephant can carry 1000 at a time.

Bird traveling between trains: If two trains running in opposite directions with speed of 25 and 30 kmph and a birds start from the front engine of the train and reaches the front of the other engine and turns back. If it continues the same, how many trips a bird makes before the trains the collides. Assume the speed the of the bird is 55 kmph.

Horse competition: If there are 25 horses and you need to find out the best horse from these 25 horses. In each run , only 5 horses can run.

Ball selection problem: If there are three containers with red balls in one container , blue balls in one container and mix of red and blue in third container. If all of these containers are labelled wrongly. How many pick of balls you will do to correct the labels.

Gold bar cutting problem: If you are given a Golden rod of 7 units and you need to pay the daily wage of one unit to the labor. How many cuts of the rod will you do.

Prisoners cap problem: There are 21 prisoners in a cell. And the in-charge wants to release some of them and puts a condition as follows:
All prisoners will be standing in a row wearning red and black hats. Only the last one can see all of the 20 stnading in front of him.

Jailer will release the prisoner only if he tells the color of the hat correct he is wearing.

What should be the strategy of the prisoner to get maximum no of them to get released.

Bridge crossing problem: This is a well known problem.

There are 4 persons standing at one side of the bridge and the bridge can carry only two of them. Since its dark they need to carry the torch to cross the bridge. All the 4 persons have different walking speed.

Person 1 : 1 minute to reach other side of the bridge
Person 2 : 3 minutes
Person 3: 5 minutes
Person 4 : 10 minutes

Whats the minimum time to cross the bridge for all of them.

Circular sum problem:You are given a circle with 10 pokes and the numbers are written on end of each spoke from 1 to 10. How will you arrange these numbers so that sum on a line(with two ends of the spoke) is same on all the lnes.

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