Saturday, 12 April 2014

PrintAllPaths of a BST

Code to print all path of a binary tree:

/* printing array */
void printThisPath(int path[], int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << (char)path[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

/* recursion routine to find path */
void pathFinder(struct Tree *node, int path[], int pathLength)
if(node == NULL) return;
path[pathLength++] = node->data;

/* Leaf node is the end of a path.
  So, let's print the path */
if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
printThisPath(path, pathLength);
else {
pathFinder(node->left, path, pathLength);
pathFinder(node->right, path, pathLength);

/*printing all paths :
Given a binary tree, print out all of its root-to-leaf
paths, one per line. Uses a recursive helper to do the work. */

void printAllPaths(struct Tree *root)
int path[100];

For other tree operations or complete code refer to : click here

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