Data Storage options to consider: While designing a system, teh choice of the DB is very important. And you choose the DB based on
1.Query Pattern
2. Structure of the data
3. Amount of the data
3. Foundational need like transactionality (ACID vs CAP)
Here are few examples of the DBs that you can consider based on the above parameters.
Relational - MySQL, Oracle, Prostress , RDS, Aurora
Key Value - Redis, Azure Cosmos, GCP Big Table, DDB
Analytics - Redshift , Big Query
Search DB : Elastic Search, Solr
Cache - Elastic Cache, Redis, Memcahced
Time Series - TimeStream, Cosmos, Big Query, OpenTS
Document - AWs Document DB, Mongo DD, Cosmos
Wide Column - AWs Keyspaces, Cassandra, Cosmos
Geospatial - Keyspaces, Cosmos, Bigtable, Mongo
Graph - Neptune, Cosmos, Bigtable, Neo4J
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